Another identity is provided to users, which is leading to name spoofing and leaking sensitive data.
This article demonstrates an important security flaw on Azure application services (also called Web App or Azure-websites) that is currently live since at least the 24th of November 2019 on Linux fixed since the 6th of January 2020.
whenever a hosted web server is called by clients without any local cookie, the server gets the latest set cookie value in the request header as if it was a global variable.
As a result, this bug is leading to identity spoofing and sensitive data leaking.
If the web app is using cookies for managing session, permissioned data become public after a user with enough privileges logged in.
'Set-Cookie': `randomCookie=test; Path=/; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax`,
Azure PaaS is caching the cookie value and provides the value on every future server calls.
As a result, whenever the server is called by clients without any local cookie, the server gets the latest set cookie value in the request header as if it was a global variable.
This does not occur when the secure flag is present when setting the cookie or if CORS settings are not used. This security flaw is a major concern as cookies are used for session management (session cookie, cookie storing access token, jwt, ...).
The nodejs App is very simple: and does not contain any NPM dependencies, pure NodeJS.
Node 10 LTS is used with the default Oryx deployment. App service is used here as Paas.
Kestrel web server seems to be used (seen in the response header).
This issue cannot be reproduced on local nor in a dedicated VM. Only in Azure web-app.
as soon as I discovered the security hole, I created a severity A case on Monday 2nd of December 2019 to the support.
Microsoft statements after my report:
Products Impacted: Azure Web App (Linux)
The support professional concluded that it is a known issue, and a fix will be provided during 2020. The Microsoft Engineer has requested the product group to investigate to check if there is a fix that can be deployed earlier for [...]'s environment.
The response comes the day after, this vulnerability was not taken seriously by MSRC:
Thank you for contacting the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC). We appreciate the time taken to submit this assessment.
Upon investigation, we have determined that this submission does not meet the bar for security servicing. This report does not appear to identify a weakness in a Microsoft product or service that would enable an attacker to compromise the integrity, availability, or confidentiality of a Microsoft offering.
As such, this email thread has been closed and will no longer be monitored.
The day I wrote this post, Azure app service portal was not displaying any warnings or any security notice on the CORS settings page.
At this time, the bug is still present in all Azure regions even if a fix is available on request.
Once created, use the deployment center to deploy the source code available in this public github:
Open the created website https://<your app>
for instance
The website dumps the content of req.headers.cookie and req.headers
The cookie header should be empty at this step.
Open the page https://<your app>
, for instance to set the cookie to the current time.
Delete all local cookies in your browser or open the website in a private navigation mode: https://<your app>
, for instance
The cookie header should be empty at this step but THIS IS NOT THE CASE.
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